5. InspectionResultProcessors

This chapter covers each InspectionResultProcessor in detail. For an explanation of how InspectionResultProcessors fit into the overall architecture of Metawidget, see Chapter 2, Architecture

5.1 ComesAfterInspectionResultProcessor

ComesAfterInspectionResultProcessor sorts inspection results according to the comes-after attribute. This attribute can be created using the @UiComesAfter annotation (among other ways). For example, the following inspection result...

<entity type="Address Screen">
	<property name="city" comes-after="street">
	<action name="save" comes-after="state">
	<property name="state" comes-after="city">
	<property name="street">

...would be sorted into...

<entity type="Address Screen">
	<property name="street">
	<property name="city" comes-after="street">
	<property name="state" comes-after="city">
	<action name="save" comes-after="state">

The comes-after attribute can contain multiple names (comma separated) in which case the property will be sorted to come after all the named properties. Alternatively the attribute can be empty, in which case the property will come after every other property in the entity.