8.2 Web Layouts

Metawidget supports multiple Layouts for each Web framework, targeting different arrangements within each environment.

8.2.1 GWT Layouts


Layout to arrange widgets in a table, with one column for the label and another for the widget. This Layout recognizes the following parameters, configured using FlexTableLayoutConfig:

Property Description
columnStyleNames Comma delimited string of CSS style classes to apply to table columns in order of: label, component, required
footerStyleName CSS style class to apply to table footer
numberOfColumns Number of columns. Each label/component pair is considered one column
tableStyleName CSS style class to apply to outer table tag


Layout to simply output components one after another, with no labels and no structure. This Layout is suited to rendering single components, or for rendering components whose layout relies entirely on CSS.


LayoutDecorator to decorate widgets from different sections using a Label. This Layout recognizes the following parameters, configured using LabelLayoutDecoratorConfig:

Property Description
styleName CSS style class to apply to section heading


LayoutDecorator to decorate widgets from different sections using a TabPanel.

8.2.2 JavaScript Layouts

All of the supported JavaScript-based technologies (i.e. pure JavaScript, JQuery UI and AngularJS) share the same Layouts.


Layout to arrange widgets using div tags, suitable for form-vertical or form-horizontal Bootstrap layouts.

This layout extends metawidget.layout.DivLayout. It adds Bootstrap CSS classes such as form-group and control-label to the divs. This Layout recognizes the following configuration properties:

Property Description
version Specify '2' to use Bootstrap 2.x CSS class names (Bootstrap 3.x names are used by default)


Layout to arrange widgets using dl, dd and dt tags. This Layout recognizes the following configuration properties:

Property Description
labelStyleClass Style class to apply to the generated label.
labelSuffix Suffix to append to the generated label.


Layout to arrange widgets using div tags. This Layout recognizes the following configuration properties:

Property Description
divStyleClasses Comma separated list of style classes to apply to the divs, in order of outer, label, component.
labelStyleClass Style class to apply to the generated label.
labelSuffix Suffix to append to the generated label.
suppressLabelSuffixOnCheckboxes Some UI frameworks (like JQuery Mobile) reuse the checkbox/radio label alongside the checkbox/radio itself. This looks bad if we keep the suffix.
wrapInsideLabels Array of widget types (e.g. checkbox, radio) to be placed inside their labels, rather than alongside.
wrapWithExtraDiv Object of key/value pairs of widget types (e.g. checkbox, radio) to be wrapped inside an extra div. The key is the widget type, the value is the CSS class for the extra div.
suppressDivAroundLabel Some UI frameworks (like JQuery Mobile) prefer not to wrap the label with a div.
suppressDivAroundWidget Some UI frameworks (like JQuery Mobile) prefer not to wrap the widget with a div.
appendRequiredClassOnLabelDiv Style class to apply to the label div if the widget is required. Can be useful for CSS :after selectors.
appendRequiredClassOnWidgetDiv Style class to apply to the widget div if the widget is required. Can be useful for CSS :after selectors.


LayoutDecorator to decorate widgets from different sections using an HTML heading tag (i.e. h1, h2 etc). This Layout recognizes the following configuration properties:

Property Description
level The first level of the heading tags (i.e. 3 for h3).

TabLayoutDecorator (Bootstrap)

LayoutDecorator to decorate widgets from different sections using Bootstrap tabs.

TabLayoutDecorator (JQuery UI)

LayoutDecorator to decorate widgets from different sections using JQuery UI tabs.


Layout to arrange widgets in a table, with one column for the label and another for the widget. This Layout recognizes the following configuration properties:

Property Description
columnStyleClasses Comma delimited string of CSS style classes to apply to table columns in order of: label, component, required
footerStyleClass CSS style class to apply to table footer
numberOfColumns Number of columns. Each label/component pair is considered one column
tableStyleClass CSS style class to apply to outer table tag


Layout to simply output components one after another, with no labels and no structure. This Layout is suited to rendering single components, or for rendering components whose layout relies entirely on CSS.

8.2.3 JSF Layouts

Layouts in JSF behave a little differently to those for other Metawidgets. By and large, JSF already provides a pluggable mechanism (javax.faces.render.Renderers) that can be used for displaying a component in different ways. Metawidget leverages this mechanism via its xxxLayoutRenderer classes (see below).

However, JSF Renderers are not supposed to modify the component tree (say, to wrap a group of components into a tabbed panel). For those cases, Metawidget employs its usual Layout mechanism. Layouts are executed at component-building-time, which is before Renderer-time so can safely modify the component tree.


Layout to arrange widgets in HTML DIV tags, with one DIV per label and per widget, and an outer DIV around both. This Layout recognizes the following parameters (passed either as <f:param> tags or set via <parameter> in metawidget.xml):

Parameter Description
componentStyle CSS styles to apply to the component DIV. This is the style applied to the DIV around the component, not to the component itself. The widget component can be styled using the style attribute on the Metawidget tag
divStyleClasses Comma separated list of style classes to apply to the DIVs, in order of outer, label, required, component, errors
inlineMessages Whether to wrap input components with inline h:message tags. True by default
labelStyle CSS styles to apply to the label DIV
outerStyle CSS styles to apply to the outer DIV
requiredStyle CSS styles to apply to the required DIV


Layout to arrange components in a table, with one column for the label and another for the component. This Layout recognizes the following parameters (passed either as <f:param> tags or set via <parameter> in metawidget.xml):

Parameter Description
columns Number of columns. Each label/component pair is considered one column
columnClasses Comma delimited string of CSS style classes to apply to table columns in order of: label, component, required
componentStyle CSS styles to apply to required column
footerStyle CSS styles to apply to table footer
footerStyleClass CSS style class to apply to table footer
headerStyle CSS styles to apply to table header
headerStyleClass CSS style class to apply to table header
inlineMessages Whether to wrap input components with inline h:message tags. True by default
labelStyle CSS styles to apply to label column
labelSuffix Suffix to put after the label name. Defaults to a colon (i.e. 'Name:')
requiredStyle CSS styles to apply to required column (i.e. the asterisk)
rowClasses Comma delimited string of CSS style classes to apply to alternating table rows
tableStyle CSS styles to apply to outer table tag
tableStyleClass CSS style class to apply to outer table tag


LayoutDecorator to decorate widgets from different sections using an HtmlOutputText. As dictated by the JSF spec, CSS styles and style classes applied to an HtmlOutputText are wrapped in an HTML span tag. Therefore you must use CSS...

display: block

...if you want to use margins or padding around the HtmlOutputText.

This LayoutDecorator recognizes the following parameters, configured using OutputTextLayoutDecoratorConfig:

Property Description
style CSS styles to apply to HtmlOutputText
styleClass CSS style class to apply to HtmlOutputText


LayoutDecorator to decorate widgets from different sections using a JSF PanelGroup. This LayoutDecorator recognizes the following parameters, configured using PanelGroupLayoutDecoratorConfig:

Property Description
panelLayout The type of layout markup to use when rendering this group. As per javax.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGroup.setLayout
style CSS styles to apply to the panel
styleClass CSS style class to apply to the panel


LayoutDecorator to decorate widgets from different sections using a RichFaces Panel. This LayoutDecorator recognizes the following parameters, configured using PanelLayoutDecoratorConfig:

Property Description
layout Layout to apply to the panel, as defined by javax.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGroup.setLayout
style CSS styles to apply to the panel
styleClass CSS style class to apply to the panel


LayoutDecorator to decorate widgets from different sections using an ICEfaces PanelTabSet.


LayoutDecorator to decorate widgets from different sections using a RichFaces SimpleTogglePanel. This LayoutDecorator recognizes the following parameters, configured using SimpleTogglePanelLayoutDecoratorConfig:

Property Description
style CSS styles to apply to the panel
styleClass CSS style class to apply to the panel
switchType Mechanism to use to open/close panels. Either 'client' or 'ajax'. Default is 'client'
opened Whether the panel is initially opened. Defaults to true


HtmlSimpleLayout is the default JSF Layout. It simply adds the widget as a child of the Metawidget, leaving everything up to the Renderer.


LayoutDecorator to decorate widgets from different sections using a RichFaces TabPanel. This LayoutDecorator recognizes the following parameters, configured using TabPanelLayoutDecoratorConfig:

Property Description
headerAlignment Defaults to 'left'


LayoutDecorator to decorate widgets from different sections using a PrimeFaces TabView.

8.2.4 JSP Layouts

All of the supported JSP-based technologies (i.e. 'pure' JSP, Spring and Struts) share the same Layouts.


LayoutDecorator to decorate widgets from different sections using an HTML heading tag (i.e. H1, H2 etc). This LayoutDecorator recognizes the following parameters, configured using HeadingTagLayoutDecoratorConfig:

Property Description
style CSS styles to apply to heading tag
styleClass CSS style class to apply to heading tag


Layout to arrange widgets in a table, with one column for the label and another for the widget. This Layout recognizes the following parameters, configured using HtmlTableLayoutConfig:

Property Description
columnStyleClasses Comma delimited string of CSS style classes to apply to table columns in order of: label, component, required
footerStyle CSS styles to apply to table footer
footerStyleClass CSS style class to apply to table footer
numberOfColumns Number of columns. Each label/component pair is considered one column
tableStyle CSS styles to apply to outer table tag
tableStyleClass CSS style class to apply to outer table tag


Extends HtmlTableLayout to add inline error validation.arrange widgets

Property Description
errorStyle CSS styles to apply to inline error
errorStyleClass CSS style class to apply to inline error


Layout to simply output components one after another, with no labels and no structure. This Layout is suited to rendering single components, or for rendering components whose layout relies entirely on CSS.

8.2.5 Vaadin Layouts


Layout to arrange widgets in a table, with one column for the label and another for the widget. This Layout recognizes the following parameters, configured using FormLayoutConfig:

Property Description
labelSuffix Text to display after label text. Defaults to a colon (:)


LayoutDecorator to decorate widgets from different sections using a Label with setStyleName of h1, h2 etc.


Layout to simply output components one after another, with no labels and no structure, using com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout.


LayoutDecorator to wrap widgets in different sections inside a TabSheet. Each tab is given the name of a section.